Professional Courses

Customer Care Skills
The principles of customer service is focusing on the needs of your visitors and customers. The skills and techniques you will learn on this highly interactive course meet the needs of every service professional.
The course is designed as a lively fun day which will bring out your delegates passion for their job and will give them the tools to deliver excellent customer service to EVERY customer.

Managing Stress
More and more employees are experiencing stress at work. Due to COVID they may be dealing with too much pressure, long hours, being short of staff, or rapid change. There is also a greater emphasis on performance which can add to the feeling of stress. Our half day course is designed to help you reduce stress, identify where it is coming from and provide you with the tools, techniques and strategies to keep it under wraps..
Time Management
Take control of your time:
Time management is an essential skill in every work environment.
Organising yourself and not permitting others to dictate the pace will enable you to take control of how you spend your time and improve time management.
Appraisal Skills
This 1 day course is designed to give you a clear understanding of how to structure and conduct an effective personal performance review. We will look at the skills and behaviours necessary to carry out an effective performance management and appraisal discussion, motivate staff and build better relationships.

Coaching Skills
This course will show delegates how to turn specific training needs into an on the job training session. How to design, conduct and validate training sessions are key to ensure your staff retain the knowledge and skills they have learned from your on job coaching sessions. Well trained staff are happier, motivated, and will deliver enhanced levels of service.

Achieving Kitchen Profit
This is not a course for accountants but a very important half day interactive session nonetheless. Aimed at helping chefs achieve their kitchen gross profit percentage - the participants will carry out practical exercises in costing menus, setting selling prices, breaking even point and cost of sales.

Motivational Skills
For anyone interested in developing their knowledge and skills to motivate emplyees and enhance performance. Staff motivation is becoming an essential part of every organisation. Happier and motivated employees deliver better results to the company and will stay longer with their employer. If you are concerned about high staff turnover this could be the course for you.

Assertiveness is an essential skill to ensure that we do not get overloaded with everyone's workload and it also helps to keep us from doing other people's work for them. Anyone who wants to learn about emotional intelligence, Art of Saying NO, Conflict Management and want to be confident in what they say or do can attend this half day course.

Effective Leadership Skills
To be effective and successful in their job, managers and supervisors must meet targets and objectives through tasks performed by the staff in their department. How those staff are managed can have a positive impact on team working and efficiency, ultimately delivering a consistent level of product and service. This 1 day course will enable you to identify successful methods of communication, leadership, and team building.